Wonderfully vibrant illustration on this Chinese Shenzou 9 Launch Cover boldly signed by Mission Commander Jing Haipeng, Crewman Liu Wang, and Crewman Liu Yang. On this mission, Haipeng became the first Chinese astronaut to fly in space more than once, and Liu Yang became Chinas' first female astronaut to fly in space. Chinas' fourth manned spaceflight, Shenzou 9 launched from Chinas' Jiquan Launch Center on June 16, 2012. This cover appears to be postmarked June 16, 2012 at the Jiquan Launch Center.
Below is a picture of the crew after returning to Earth.
From left: Liu Wang, Jing Haipeng and Liu Yang.
The Shenzhou-9 re-entry capsule is seen on the right.
June 29, 2012.